Saturday, March 5, 2011

(re)introducing myself...

My name is Christine.

So. About me... I am from Guelph Ontario. That's in Canada. I have moved around a lot over my twenty-eight years, but chose to come back to Guelph where I now live with my husband and our menagerie of pets.

I am an artist, an activist, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a small business owner, and a lover. The role that I want more than any other is to be a mother. Sometimes the struggles that we (as in, the husband and I) are going through on our journey to parent-hood make me a little crazy. I'm working on that.

Making art is my passion, but I have always been fascinated by business and have felt driven to be my own boss. Sometimes that is not economically feasible. I'm working on that too.

I studied advertising in college. I am a huge fan of nerdy television shows and science documentaries. I love reading, photography, and organic vegetable gardening. I enjoy baking and cooking, and throwing back yard barbecue parties. I enjoy musical theatre, all manner of visual arts, and like to lose myself in music.

I feel like a giant narcissist having written so many sentences that begin with "I".

I know there's no way to adequately describe oneself in a blog post, but I think that summarizes things pretty well. I try to be an open book, so-to-speak, so if there's anything I haven't covered that you're dying to know, just ask!


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